Friday, May 7, 2010

Goodbye Dear BlogFriend

I just found out about the loss of one of my very first BlogFriends.  Chani, our Thailand Gal from Finding My Way Home passed away a while back ago and I had no idea until HeartinSanFrancisco was nice enough to let me know after I had left a comment for Chani without reading through everyone else's.  As I mentioned, Chani was one of my very first BlogFriends back when I started LittlePea and sent me encouraging emails and comments about writing and posting that I now regret not saving.  I looked up to Chani's blog a lot because she had the ability to write with such vulnerability.  Her writing about her flaws, ups and downs, her utter "humanness"   took a lot of courage that I wish I had. She also sent me a lot of messages when I was sick and book suggestions for me to keep me occupied during my convalescence which, considering we had never met in person, were a perfect fit for my reading tastes. I am sure her talents were myriad, most of them unknown to us, but her blog posts were absolutely phenomenal and always had a way of hitting one on the head with a new way of thinking or perhaps some thought provoking insight that were always so damn spot on.  I know that she grew up in Los Angeles, loved Simon and Garfunkel, loved to walk in the fog every morning, had a little dog companion named Shanti and was just on the verge of a fresh start in a new apartment.  Her spirit had other plans and she died of a heart attack before she could physically start over but I truly believe with all my heart that she found her way back to her heart's home which is Thailand.  She was loved there as well as here on the internets.  Chani,  Bon Voyage and we'll miss you.  But I'm glad you went home......


justme said...

Pea, i was wondering how i had found must have been through you. saddest news ever. i had always wondered how you would know if something happened to someone on the internet. ugh. it was such a loss

Pea said...

Yes what a loss. Her blog is great. I hope it stays up for other people to stumble upon. She was an awesome blogger and I know if we had lived in the same town we would have been good friends in person.....

Anonymous said...

Hi Pea,

That is sad news. Even though I don't comment a lot I check in on your blog on a regualr basis. Once when you were gone a while I got concerned and almost contacted Chani to see if she had heard from you. You then posted.

I hope her family and little dog are doing okay.


Pea said...

Me too Patti. And thanks for still coming around.

heartinsanfrancisco said...

This was beautiful, Sweet Pea. Chani would be so happy to be remembered here. I miss her a lot, and keep expecting her to call, or to write. We never met in person either, but had plans to do so after her move.

I do know that she was very fond of you and felt that you were her true friend.

I have also thought about dying, and my blog friends not ever knowing what happened to me. I was watching for you to come back so I would know that you were ok and also because I was sure you would want to know about our friend Chani.