Tuesday, May 4, 2010

First Post! First Post!

I wish I had something really profound to say but I don't.  Well actually no I do have something to say!  I just want to thank all my readers and lurkers for not abandoning me and sending all those "are you ok?s" to me last couple months when I was in cold and flu misery.  So there you go Thank You dear friends!  But yeah, hey it's my first post yay.  On my new blog yay! So ok, here I am. I guess I should do one of those"About Me" posts everyone does that, for some reason, I never did when I started my old blog.  Yeah.  That would be a good idea even though everyone already knows all that anyway.  Still though, for the sake of a fresh start, it would be more for me than for you guys so just skip that post if you're not in the mood for it-it won't hurt my feelings, honestly. I didn't realize how much 'stuff' was involved in getting a new thing going here.  Like all the stuff that needed to be filled out, saved, entered, clicked on.  And I'm still not finished but ok.  Well, here we go again :o)  Oh Blogospheres, how I've missed you.


Anonymous said...

I just had to comment! Have fun with this blog. Looks good. All bookmarked.


Pea said...

OOh I have a comment! I feel like it's my birthday. Thanks for the visit :o)

Anonymous said...

Heyo!!! I'm adding you to my reader. So glad you're back online.

heartinsanfrancisco said...

Sweet pea, it's still YOU! I've missed you. Glad you're feeling better and a very hearty welcome back!