Tuesday, September 14, 2010


As I've said in the past.  I like re-enactments.  But mostly I like taking pictures of re-enactments.  My BFF is the only one I know who fully understands and appreciates the importance of it all.

Here we are at 13.  This was a school "best friends" picture.  Skip to 21 years later.  Notice that we have the same hair color in each photo.  This may or may not have been planned.  It wasn't until today when I posted this on my FB page that we noticed we were wearing opposite colors.  Reverse re-enactments are acceptable.  Next year we'll take the time to hang up an Asian fan.

 Saying goodbye to good friends when you grow up in a military family is accepted as the norm, unfortunately.
This was the summer of 93.  A year after she had to move to Japan because her dad got stationed there so she flew out to visit me that summer. This pic was taken on "our box".  My parents were really strict and barely ever let me step foot past the front yard so we often hung out on this electric box(yes electric).  My dad would always tell us it was too dangerous and to get off and sit somewhere else but we needed to command our "post" didn't we?  Anyway if they would let me go somewhere once in a while we wouldn't have to sit there would we?  So this is our reverse re-enactment of hanging out on "our box".  She also had one in front of her house.  Sometimes we needed to survey our domain from that box too.  That summer we pretty much went from hanging out in my room to hanging out on "our box" because like I said, my parents were super-strict and I was NEVER ALLOWED to go anywhere else.

This a re-enactment of how shocked we are. This year and last year, we're still shocked. What we are actually shocked over, I'm not quite sure.  My sister and her two oldest boys are also shocked.

This is a re-enactment of ,  " What?! What did that b*tch say about me?  Oh hell no we're calling her a$$ on 3 way and I'm going to listen!" circa Mean Girls.  I feel bad for her daughter who every year is forced participate in our foolishness.  I seriously had to stop and ask BFF,"Wait a minute, are we exposing this girl to inappropriate behavior?" because some of these pictures will not EVER see the cyber world .   She reassured me since we've been doing this every year since she was 3 that it was ok.  

This is BFF's BabyIsAllGrownUp Sandwich photo. Peanut likes sandwiches. People who've never been in one might as well just give up on life itself.

She is learning the importance of re-enactments.  We have stressed that to her throughout life.  It's a good thing.  Someday she will create her own and make us all proud.

We really love candles.  And flowers.  But mostly we like taking pictures with them 14 years ago so that we can re-enact them later.

We haven't decided if the theme song for this one should be "Reunited and it feels so goooood" from the 70s or Mariah Carey's "We belong togetherrrrr"  Whatevs

I have to wait another year to re-enact this one.  sigh......


super des said...

awww you guys are cute. :)

Even though my BFF lives across the country from me, we always have the same unplanned hair color. And I mean like "blond on top, black underneath" or other weirdly specific things. :P

The Wife said...

These pics are great! Love the reenactments!!! You two are so pretty and kinda look like sisters too :)

Pea said...

Thanks guys! Good friends are hard to find and best friends are too valuable to lose....I read that on a fortune cookie :o)

madge said...

this is wonderful! love traditions!

heartinsanfrancisco said...

What fun! You're both so adorable!