Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Casa Beach, San Diego(or Children's Pool Beach)

My first day in SD, my BFF and I decided to go shopping but of course, I'm an island girl so my first request was to pay homage to the magical Pacific, the ocean of my birth. We drove to La Jolla so that I could take a look.  It was foggy and a little chilly but I didn't mind. (BTW these pix should enlarge if you click on them)

There were quite a few surfers, most of them in full wet suits mind you. The water was so "alive" that day and full of a happy energy.  I did not find any shark teeth not that I thought I could  have but still, it would have been nice.......

From our parking spot, this was the view to the south. I always lose track of direction if I don't know which way the ocean is.  When I lived in Hawaii though, since the ocean was in all directions, I never had any idea which way was where.

So obviously this is the view to the North and there was a surprise waiting for me up there(more on that later) but first I had to run down those stairs and touch the water.

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So this is what it looks like when a girl who's used to swimming in  85  degree water decides to try out water that is barely 68degrees.  yep.

I wanted to climb the rocks for a better view.

This would have made a great location for a photo shoot and I will not confirm or deny striking a few other poses but this one was deemed passable for blog view.

These 2 were taken for MrPea as I knew he would ask about the waves, just in case we need to move there. someday.  Not bad.  Usually he needs to wait for a hurricane to pass by to get good waves.

I have to say I saw a lot of dogs in California so I was happy about that.

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We had to ask a stranger to take a picture of the both of us because I still can't figure out how to use the timer on my camera.  The couple we asked looked at us like we had just asked them if we could buy some crack so this was the only one we took together.  That is my BFF.  Why fate saw fit to separate us by an entire continent, we'll never understand.  Then again, we were always being separated as kids cuz we got on everyone's nerves when we were together.

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Check out the carving on the rock.  A (now)legal "medicinal user" must have carved it there :o)

Here is the surprise that was waiting for me just a short drive to the North of where we were.  This is Children's Beach Pool.  But someone else had some children and this is where they live.

This seal must have heard I was snapping photos and came in from her swim to get in on it!

A couple of them were so fat and healthy, it was all I could do to keep myself from pinching them.  That would have been against the law though.  Still though, just one pinch would have sufficed.

Posted by PicasaThey all kept their faces away except for one.  I wonder what he was dreaming about smiling like that.

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What a delight to see beautiful animals living in the wild.  I know there was some controversy surrounding the issue of whether or not they should be allowed to stay so that this beach could be used for swimming.  But I don't know a child alive on this planet who would rather kick these babies off their safe haven so that they could go swimming.  I'd rather not swim if that were my choice but I'll keep my judgement to myself since I don't live there.

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One last look and it was time to go shopping.  I heart the Pacific Ocean.


super des said...

So beautiful! I'm jealous.

Pea said...

It was awesome. I want to go back...

heartinsanfrancisco said...

I used to live there, and have some pics of the seals at that beach, also called Seal Beach, in my photo blog. They actually made the beach smaller several years ago to discourage them from hanging out there. Stupid people.

You and your friend look like sisters. So glad you're having a fine time, even though that water is wayyyy too cold.

Pea said...

I heard about them maybe trying to use some kind of annoying noise to scare them away and then at the last minute either a judge changed his mind or another judge overruled the order. I hope they keep it that way. I did see some kids swimming on the other side of the beach with no problems so it's not like people can't swim at all.

I did have fun. I needed that trip. We might as well be sisters, we've known each other since were 8.