Tuesday, August 31, 2010

OH San Diego

I'm having a BLAST in San Diego with my long time BFF(26 years!!! since we were 8) We went here for the day and then hit this club with all of her friends and showed everyone how to get DOWN! It was VIP all night. Hey-this small town beach girl isn't used to that kind of stuff. It's all beach, waves and sea turtles on this blog so I felt like Cleopatra all day then HipHop disco queen that night. But it hasn't been go-go-go the entire time. I've been lounging, eating like pig, being thoroughly spoiled and taken care of by my West coast family here. I've been taking a lot of pictures. I'll post the good ones when I get home, which will be tomorrow night(crycrycry)  Here are a couple to tide the internets over til then:

This is Ocean Beach.  It's kind of a "rough" place in my opinion.  But you know me, I can roll with it.  Actually no, it's what MrPea would call bohemme.  Nothing wrong with that.  A pan handler got a little too pushy and I think it scared me a little.  I'm a pushover so of course I gave him some change.  But all was well I got some souvenirs and walked around a bit. We ate hamburgers at the famous Hodad's.    The burgers were good but the music was a little too loud and angry for my taste.   That water sure is too cold for this Florida girl.  But you know I was a born Pacific Islander and I always tell myself, I am from the Pacific and to the Pacific I shall return.  Look at all the surfers wearing full wet suits!  IN AUGUST!! What?  That's unheard of where MrPea surfs.  I don't think I'll be able to convince him to relocate to California, specifically because of how cold the water is. brrr!  I wouldn't mind though.  I'm sure I could still find some beach treasures on the California coast!

Here's a street view and of course there they are: those famous California palm trees.  Over here they grow tall and skinny.  I've been eating the best Mexi-Cali food a girl  could eat!  My fave.

So friends,  I'll be on my way home tomorrow and I'll have some pix and funny stories when I recover.  This girl needs some rest.  After a good night's sleep I'm planning to look for shark teeth everyday for a week.  There's a hurricane brewing in the Atlantic and MrPea has been keeping his eye on it, hoping for some big waves(only a surfer's wife could understand the obsession with meteorology my husband has)  I teased him earlier about how since I'm having so much fun, maybe it's just too dangerous a hurricane for me to come home and I should stay a few more days HAHA!  Oh but I'm ready for my own bed and a big hug from my Peanut and that tall Quebecois that I married.  I hate to be away from my 2 favorite guys.....

Wish me a safe trip ya'll!

BTW a note to all you California girls out there: oh how I envy the no humidity in the air---I had good hair out here the whole time.  At home I have to put all kinds of volumizers in my hair to keep it from going flat.  Enjoy it my beautiful West Coast sisters.


heartinsanfrancisco said...

I can't wait to see your pictures - I lived in San Diego for five years before moving to San Francisco. Is the Java Jungle still in Ocean Beach? They had great house plants.

I agree completely about the cold Pacific waters - I never go in anymore because I really hate to be that cold. I still miss the white sand Atlantic beaches, too.

Pea said...

Oh thanks! Yes I think I remember seeing a Java Jungle but we didn't stay in Ocean Beach that long. I walked around a bit to buy some souvenirs for MrPea and my nephews and of course we ate hamburgers since that is what Hodad's is so famous for. I'll go back next year. I wouldn't mind moving back to Ca- the San Jose area....I would miss the beach though.

I'm so used to warm water that even when I lived in Hawaii a few years ago I was cold :o) I'll post some pix tonight or tomorrow.