+So anyway here it is. I've been sick since last Tuesday with yet another sinus infection. I saw my doc who suggested I might be spending more time outdoors now that I no longer have access to an indoor gym so I should probably take antihistamines more often. Much as I hate to, I'll have to comply. Last week I noticed this turtle nest and since then about 6 more have popped up plus one new one that Peanut and I found about 30 paces from my house just minutes ago. I reported it to the Habitat Conservation people in my county who will now get the local Sea Turtle patrol to mark it for protection. So yay me. SO continue reading this post but just pretend that it's last week instead of this week. Cuz it's all old news by now but you'll enjoy it.+
Click on the photos to enlarge, you'll see the details much easier.
I've been at the beach all week/weekend. Jogging and looking for shark teeth, all that good stuff. My finds have been nothing to brag about. Just a few here and there as I think I need to start riding my bike a mile further north where I used to find all my treasures. But it could just be the tide. Anyway, we've had a couple visitors to our beach and to our house I thought you might fall in love with.
While jogging last Friday, I came upon a sea turtle nest as I have in the past. BTW if by any chance you clicked that link and saw the one from the past I posted, then you'll be happy to know that when I passed that very spot last Wednesday, there's a nest marked off in just about the same spot which likely means it's either the same Mother turtle or one of her offspring's nest. Isn't it sweet to hear something like that after seeing all those oil spill dead animal photos on CNN? It's true-I'll jog by there later and take a pic for you guys.
But this one's special, not just because it's also marked for protection and 2.5 miles south of the one I was just telling you about . The wonderful thing about this particular one is that I noticed how "fresh" it was.
If you look closely, you'll notice her tracks going back to the ocean.
I marked it with stars for you in case your eyes couldn't find it.
how cool!!!! that is awesome. I can't wait for more pics
I just realized those cell phone pics don't enlarge the way regular ones do. oops- I have more to post later anyway. Glad you liked them....
Pea.......you okay?
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